The information contained on this website is to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable as of the date of publication.

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The information contained on this website is to the best of our knowledge, accurate and reliable as of the date of publication.
Neven Matthews (Pty) Ltd does do not assume any liability whatsoever for the accuracy and completeness of the information published to this site.
Neven Matthews (Pty) Ltd makes no warranties which extend beyond the limitation of liability under the contract between the customer and our company.
Any information published on this site does not constitute any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. It is the customers’ responsibility to inspect and to test our products in order to satisfy themselves as to the suitability of our products to their particular purpose.
It is the customer’s responsibility to check the relevant product data sheets before any execution of an order. The customer is responsible for the appropriate, safe and legal use, processing and handling of our products.
The information contained herein relates to our materials when not used in conjunction with any third party materials.
Neven Matthews (Pty) Ltd will not accept any liability with respect to the use of its products in conjunction with other materials.